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Functional VOCP System

A single executable program and a number of Perl modules comprise the core of the VOCP system. VOCP handles incoming calls, processing user input and allowing callers to navigate the system where they may leave and retrieve voice mail messages, email messages, pager numbers and faxes or run programs on the host and hear their output.

This section will help you install and configure all aspects of the core VOCP system, including Caller ID setup and using Text-To-Speech.

Overview Install Configure Upgrade Boxes Command Shell Caller ID TTS
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Note: Read the VOCP upgrade page instead of/in addition to this if you are upgrading VOCP from a previous version.

This section covers the installation of VOCP as well as its supporting modules. You need to have vgetty installed and configured before VOCP will work.

Sound files

One of the major functions of the install script is converting all the system sound files (like numbers, days and such) from Portable Voice Format (pvf) to the Raw Modem Data (rmd) file that is appropriate for your modem.

You will be asked for the location of the pvftormd program (installed with vgetty) and the options to pass to it. These options determine how the pvf files are converted to rmd files: if you use the wrong ones, your modem won't be able to play any of them. The possible options are available by doing:

pvftormd -L

See the sections on pvftormd in the vgetty installation and testing sections of the site for a more information.

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Listed below are the VOCP requirements - you may wish to have a look at the included doc/requirements.txt file for a more info on the 3rd party modules (most of which can be installed automatically) and programs required for various functionality (like Text-to-speech and ogg/mp3 encoding).


You should be running Linux or a similar Un*x based box and have mgetty+sendfax/vgetty installed and setup to work with your modem. You must have a recent version of Perl.

You will need to have the XFree86 header files (installed with the XFree86 source or the XFree86-devel-X.X.X rpm) to install the Perl Tk and Tk::JPEG modules (see below. You will need a working and configured sound card to use the xVOCP message retrieval GUI. You need a modem that supports CND to use Caller-ID functions.

Perl Modules

A number of Perl modules are now used by VOCP. Some are absolute requirements while others are optional and only needed for certain parts of VOCP. You can either install the modules manually, using perl -MCPAN -e 'install Module::Name', or you may have them installed automatically through the install script. The modules are:

module used by
Modem::Vgetty VOCP

module used by
Tk CallCenter, xVOCP, VOCPhax GUIs
Tk::JPEG CallCenter, xVOCP, VOCPhax GUIs
Crypt::CBC VOCPweb
Crypt::Blowfish VOCPweb
MIME::Parser email2vm (Email to VoiceMail converter)

If you plan to use the graphical interfaces and if you will be installing Perl Tk, you must login to the host machine as root and launch X (in order for the various Tk tests to work).

Performing the install

Run the install script as root:

 # cd /path/to/vocp-X.X/
 # perl ./

If some of the VOCP support modules are not found on the system, you will be asked if you wish to install them automatically using CPAN. Say 'y' to do so. If you've never used cpan, you will probably need to configure it before the installation proceeds: just answer the questions cpan asks.

Also, if you are installing the Tk or Tk::JPEG module, you need to be logged in as root and have X running in order to allow the Tk and Tk::JPEG tests to succeed. In addition, to install Perl Tk, you may need to install the XFree86 headers (XFree86-devel-4.X.X.rpm if you use RPMs) in order to make the X11/Xlib.h file available to Tk.

Manual installation of modules

Fear not, if anything goes wrong you can either try again or do it manually. The modules you will need are listed above.

Audio::DSP is also required but as we were having lots of trouble with hissing and pops from Audio::DSP, a patch was created and sent to the author but we never got a response so, in the mean time, the patched version is included and will be installed by default.

You can install these modules using CPAN. Here's how you would install the Modem::Vgetty module:

# perl -MCPAN -e 'install Modem::Vgetty'

and so on for Tk, Tk::JPEG etc. (must be run as root)

Sound file problems

If you are getting errors because of the 8000Hz sample rate of the sound files, eg

/usr/bin/pvftormd: Unsupported sample speed (8000)
/usr/bin/pvftormd: Rockwell modems only support 7200 samples

use the included script to modify the sample rate of the files. Do:

perl XXXX

where XXXX is the required sample rate (e.g. 7200). Then run

# perl

Installation Complete

When the installer has finished, you will find the main vocp program and configuration files in the /etc/vocp directory. The VOCP support programs and resources, (xVOCP,VOCPhax, etc.), documentation and VOCPweb will all be located under /usr/local/vocp.


VOICE MAIL Phone - VOCPweb - xVOCP | WEB INTERFACE Overview | CALLER ID Configure - Call Center - Filter | TEXT-TO-SPEECH Configure - Email to voice mail - Program Output | FAXING Configure - Receive - Send - Dynamic | COMMAND SHELLS Overview | INSTALL Modems - vGETTY - VOCP | CONFIGURE vGETTY - VOCP - Boxes - Other | UPGRADE Overview

vGETTY Install - Test - Configure - Modems | VOCP Overview - Install - Configure - Upgrade - Boxes - Caller ID - Text-to-Speech - Command Shells - Coming Soon | xVOCP Configure - Use | VOCPhax Send - Receive | VOCPweb Install - Configure - Use | CALL CENTER Use - Caller ID | BOX CONFIGURATION Use - Test - Types


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