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The VOCP users list is intended as a channel for user discussion, requests and help about the VOCP messaging system.

Subscribe to a VOCP list by filling out the following form. You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you. This is a hidden list, which means that the members list is available only to the list administrator.


VOCP-Announcements : releases/patches

About Vocp-Announcements

The VOCP Announcement list will provide a low traffic means of receiving important announcements pertaining to VOCP. This list is not meant for discussion, use the vocp-users list if you need help or have suggestions.

VOCP-Users : help and announcement list

To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the Vocp-users Archives.

About Vocp-Users

The VOCP users list is intended as a channel for user discussion, requests and help about the VOCP messaging system.

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*You must enter a privacy password. This provides only mild security, but should prevent others from messing with your subscription. Do not use a valuable password as it will occasionally be emailed back to you in cleartext.


VOICE MAIL Phone - VOCPweb - xVOCP | WEB INTERFACE Overview | CALLER ID Configure - Call Center - Filter | TEXT-TO-SPEECH Configure - Email to voice mail - Program Output | FAXING Configure - Receive - Send - Dynamic | COMMAND SHELLS Overview | INSTALL Modems - vGETTY - VOCP | CONFIGURE vGETTY - VOCP - Boxes - Other | UPGRADE Overview

vGETTY Install - Test - Configure - Modems | VOCP Overview - Install - Configure - Upgrade - Boxes - Caller ID - Text-to-Speech - Command Shells - Coming Soon | xVOCP Configure - Use | VOCPhax Send - Receive | VOCPweb Install - Configure - Use | CALL CENTER Use - Caller ID | BOX CONFIGURATION Use - Test - Types


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