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VOCP CallCenter

The VOCP Call Center lets you see caller ID information as calls come in and gives you easy access to the XVOCP message retrieval, VOCPhax faxing interfaces and a log of all received calls and messages.

Use Caller ID
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Using the VOCP Call Center is easy and fun! It allows you to see incoming calls as they arrive, transfer calls in progress to VOCP and launch other VOCP related interfaces. For local operation, simply launch the Call Center in the background

$ /usr/local/vocp/bin/ &

You can also run the Call Center on a remote machine - allowing you to monitor calls and messages on another host. Simply use ssh to launch the program remotely:

$ ssh -C /usr/local/vocp/bin/

The program will start minimized (unless you edit it and set $StartMinimized to 0). When a call comes in, the call center window will popup with some information relative to the incoming call (caller id info will be present if available and configured the callcenter to use it).

In addition to incoming call monitoring, a number of functions are available through the interface icons.

Launch xVOCP

Launch xVOCP
This button launches the xVOCP voice message retrieval interface. At the moment, you must be using xVOCP locally (not through ssh) to hear the messages.

Call log Call log
The call log button allows you to view history of recent calls and messages. The logs will display caller ID information if you have working caller id and if the Call Center is configured to use it.
Launch VOCPhax   Transfer to VOCP
This button may be used to transfer a call in progress (one for which you've already picked up the line) to the voice messaging system.
  Launch VOCPhax   Launch VOCPhax
This button will launch the VOCPhax faxing interface.

The Transfer to VOCP function must send a signal to vgetty and requires that the xfer_to_vocp program have special privileges which are not enabled by default. To enable the function, as root do

# chmod 4755 /usr/local/vocp/xfer_to_vocp

The call_log file (normally located at /var/log/vocp-calls.log) contains information about incomming calls and messages. You can view the contents of this file using the Call Log button. The call log may eventually become large and annoying to peruse. To avoid this problem, you can set up log rotation. Create the file /etc/logrotate.d/vocp-calls and enter

/var/log/vocp-calls.log {
    create 0644 root vocp
    rotate 4

That's it. For more options log rotation options, have a look at the logrotate manpage.


VOICE MAIL Phone - VOCPweb - xVOCP | WEB INTERFACE Overview | CALLER ID Configure - Call Center - Filter | TEXT-TO-SPEECH Configure - Email to voice mail - Program Output | FAXING Configure - Receive - Send - Dynamic | COMMAND SHELLS Overview | INSTALL Modems - vGETTY - VOCP | CONFIGURE vGETTY - VOCP - Boxes - Other | UPGRADE Overview

vGETTY Install - Test - Configure - Modems | VOCP Overview - Install - Configure - Upgrade - Boxes - Caller ID - Text-to-Speech - Command Shells - Coming Soon | xVOCP Configure - Use | VOCPhax Send - Receive | VOCPweb Install - Configure - Use | CALL CENTER Use - Caller ID | BOX CONFIGURATION Use - Test - Types


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